Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Movin' On Up

Eariler on Monday my mother's trach was removed, since she has completed all planned surgeries, and the hole is closing up nicely! Her voice sounds good as well.

She'll finally transfer to another facility either today or tomorrow, depending on when we give the ok. I just spoke with a rep (who is actually an RN) from one of the facilities... and in all honesty they are the front runners. It's a little further away from where I'm currently staying than the other facilities we are choosing from, but it's newer and physician owned and they have their own operating room to accomodate various procedures. Now, I'm not saying she'll need to use this room, but if for some reason it comes up she won't need to be transferred back to a hospital- She can receive surgical care in-house. I'm going to visit this facility shortly; I just wanted to give an update that she will definitely be moving soon... I'll post how she's doing once she's settled in.

[Update: we decided on a different facility than what was mentioned here]

Also, I just wanted to remind everyone of the show in Denton this Friday at Boiler Room - Opposite Day and Shaolin Death Squad have agreed to donate the funds they raise from this show to my mother's medical expense account. Hope to see you there!

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